Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I read an interesting column in the paper today by a lady named Shabina Bahl.
Heres a sampling of what she had to say in regards to a lot of talk amongst environmentalists about saving the planet.
She offered this advice: How about saving ourselves? Here are four things anyone can do today to S.O.S.
1. Bring your own bags to the store: According to The Wall Street Journal, the U.S. goes through 100 billion plastic bags a year. About 12 million barrels of oil is required to make that many bags and can take up to 1,000 years to biodegrade. Just add "bring bags" to your shopping list as a reminder before shopping.
2. Eat less meat: A kilogram of beef is responsible for more geenhouse gas emissions than driving three hours while leaving all the lights on at home. Start small- designate one meal a week to be meat-free. Once that's manageable, increase it to an entire day.
3. Cut back on plastic water bottles: At as much as $2.50 per liter ($10 pe gallon) , bottled water costs more than gas. As Americans, we consume more bottled water than anyone else in the world. Pack a bottle of water before you leave the house and refill through the day.
4. Replace one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent: If every American home replaced one light bulb with a compact fluorescent bulb, we would save enough energy to light more than 3 million homes for a year. Even Wal-Mart sells compact fluorescents, so anyone can find these bulbs at a reasonable price wherever they shop. No excuses!
I'm feeling that. Shout Out to Shabina Bahl and All That. Getting it in on the living right tip.

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